Laura Nettles


Summer of 2018 Laura learned about the wonders of Nation Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. Since then she has been hooked on writing, participating in November and both camps each year. Her fingers run rampant with sci-fi and horror; creating worlds and supernatural creatures. Laura has 30 stories published in anthologies and magazines. A collection of 101 of her works called "Tiny Shivers" is available now. Read More >
Follow her writing journey on the blog or by watching her YouTube channel where she vlog's her progress and gives regular updates.


Laura is from California and living in Toronto, Canada working in the film industry, lighting many monsters for both movies and television. She graduated from BYU's animation program in 2015 and has been working up here ever since. She mostly writes adult and middle grade horror, but has some sci-fi and dark fantasy stories mulling around his her brain as well. Her writing advice podcast is updated every Friday, available where most podcasts are. She also has a writing YouTube channel with live writing sprints from time to time. When she's not writing she is petting her dog Roy, or analyzing film and learning from the masters of the past and present. Her favorite genre is German Expressionism and the films it inspired. Shadows!